Junior Preschool Class

(2-3 years old, must be 2 by October 1st)

Welcome to our Junior Preschool Class!

In this class, your child will be introduced to many new concepts to prepare them for preschool. They will be focusing on developing listening skills and perfecting self-help skills, such as using the potty, taking turns and following directions. Building social skills is also an important goal, such as sharing, being kind, using manners and using their words.

Junior preschool curriculum goals

Please keep in mind that each child will develop and grow at his/her own pace both physically and developmentally. Bright Future's curriculum is based on differentiated instruction in order to fill the needs of all our children.

For all children learning and living is the same thing. If they feel secure, treasured, loved, their own energy and curiosity will bring them new understanding and new skills.

We are excited to see what they do each and every day.


  • Will follow directions with two steps
  • Will identify colors
  • Will identify the letters in their name and write it
  • Understands prepositions in on and under
  • Will say name and age
  • Will recognize letters and letter sounds
  • Has interest in looking at books independently
  • Notes parents and siblings names
  • Will know the months and days of the week


  • Will count to 10 in English and Spanish
  • Will name the basic shapes
  • Will be able to copy simple patterns


  • Will hold the crayon correctly
  • Will be proficient in drinking from a cup
  • Will eat on their own using a fork or spoon
  • Will pedal a bike
  • Will be able to catch a ball
  • Will be able to color a picture
  • Will be able to use scissors
  • Will be able to build the three-dimensional structure with blocks


  • Will be aware of personal space


  • Can share and take turns
  • Has more emotional management
  • Will be more independent
  • Will use toilet independently
  • Will be able to follow daily routines
  • Will initiate or join and cooperative play with other children


  • Will pretend play and engage in role play
  • Understands where playthings belong (eg. The tools don't belong in the kitchen).
  • Will develop their imagination

Junior Preschool Schedule 1

6:30 - 8:15 - Arrival, Wash Hands, Free Play
8:15 - Bathroom, Diapers, Potty Training, Wash Hands
8:30 - 9:00 - Breakfast
9:00 - 9:45 - Recess
9:45 - Wash Hands
10:00 - 10:15 - Circle Time (Pledge of Allegiance, Good Morning Song, Calendar, Weather, Book, Finger Plays)
10:15 -11:00 - Centers, Art Project, Table Toys, Manipulatives, etc.
11:00 - 11:15 - Music, Creative movement
11:15 - 11:30 - Bathroom, Diapers, Potty Training, Wash Hands
11:30 - Lunch
12:00 - 2:00 - Rest Time
2:00 - Bathroom, Diapers, Potty Training, Wash Hands
2:15 - Snack
2:30 - 3:00 - Circle time (Book, Basic Skills: colors, shapes, name recognition, etc.)
3:00 - 3:30 - Music, Creative Movement
3:30 - 3:45 - Story
3:45 - 4:30 - Recess
4:30 - Bathroom, Diapers, Potty Training, Wash Hands
4:45 - Snack
5:00 - 6:00 - Centers, Table Toys, Coloring, Easel, Free Play
6:00 - Dismissal